The average house price on BELLE VUE CRESCENT is £90,733
The most expensive house in the street is 23 BELLE VUE CRESCENT with an estimated value of £129,395
The cheapest house in the street is 14 BELLE VUE CRESCENT with an estimated value of £70,202
The house which was most recently sold was 23 BELLE VUE CRESCENT, this sold on 4 Nov 2022 for £130,000
The postcodes for BELLE VUE CRESCENT are HD2 1ET, HD2 1EP
AddressProperty TypeCurrent Estimated ValuePrice PaidDate
11 BELLE VUE CRESCENT Terraced , 48 m2 £78,628 £50,000 24 Sep 2007
14 BELLE VUE CRESCENT Terraced , 67 m2 £70,202 £56,500 5 Jul 2019
23 BELLE VUE CRESCENT Terraced £129,395 £130,000 4 Nov 2022
61 BELLE VUE CRESCENT Semi-Detached , 65 m2 £84,710 £67,000 11 Jan 2018